Chuck O’Donnell
After many years being engaged directly in public service, in senior leadership roles, including serving on national and international Boards, I wish to continue to be engaged in activities that contribute to the public good, while also contributing to shareholder value.
Significant knowledge gained from broad experience at senior levels in the New Brunswick public service over a 38-year career, followed by additional valuable experience gained over the last twelve years, successfully operating a professional government relations and management consulting practice. Articulate, incisive, discreet, intuitive, confident, diplomatic, a team builder and leader.
I followed an undergraduate program of studies at the University of New Brunswick in the faculty of Arts between 1969 and 1974.
I later completed courses in French as a second language and numerous courses in public administration.
I attended a three-week program in state and local government at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 2008 and I have completed a broad range of public service courses throughout my career.
In 2019 I commenced Spanish language training, by attending a language training school in Oaxaca, Mexico. I add to my Spanish language skills regularly, both with immersion study visits to Mexico, and continuing study on-line, with a tutor.
From 2013 until the present, I have successfully operated my own Canadian government relations and professional management consulting practice, working with companies that will better serve the public good. I intend to do so for many years to come.
Until early 2013 I was a very active member of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) Board as well as the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) and the International Registration Plan (IRP) organizations. In 2010 I served as Chair of the AAMVA Board, Chair of the CCMTA Board and as a member of the IRP Board.
In 2004 I was named Director of the Motor Vehicle Branch and at the same time I was appointed Registrar of Motor Vehicles for the Province of New Brunswick.
In 2002 I was chosen to direct the Licensing and Registration Branch, which operated a wide range of programs including liquor licensing, charitable gaming licensing, private security licensing and oversight of the province-wide 911 program, as well as much of the program activity within the New Brunswick Motor Vehicle program.
In 2000 I was named Manager of the Public Affairs Branch of the Department of Public Safety, which allowed me to enhance my writing and oral communication skills.
In 1993 I was asked to join the Policy, Planning & Evaluation Division of the Department of the Solicitor General. Throughout the duration of the Miller Commission of Inquiry I served as liaison between the Commission and the Department of Solicitor General. I also served as management consultant/advisor to both senior departmental officials and to legal Counsel for the Province. While in that Branch I was very actively involved in matters dealing with legislation development and coordination, citizen access to information, personal privacy, while providing instruction with respect to civil litigation and claims resolution.
Between 1974 and 1993 I worked in the Correctional Services Branch of the Department of Justice, where I was employed at a number of locations throughout the province undertaking progressively more responsible roles. Initially I was a correctional officer, then a case worker and for many years I served in the role as Prison Director, operating various institutions providing custody and treatment services to adult males and females, or in other cases to young offenders.
During a four-year period in the 1980s, when I worked in a completely French speaking region of the province, as Director of the prison there, I became fully bilingual.
For your Consideration:
Since 1974 I have had the opportunity to serve the public under a very wide variety of circumstances. I have acquired numerous useful skills, while gaining significant experience as a manager, team builder, coach and leader, for many years as a Prison Director and over the last eight years of my public service career, as Registrar of Motor Vehicles and Director of the Motor Vehicle Branch. I have been described at times as being tenacious yet flexible, capable of incisive analysis yet warm and supportive. I prefer to be well prepared when called upon to deal with events, however I am quite capable of speaking, writing or taking appropriate decisive action, as matters present themselves. I work well as a contributor in a team environment, but I am always prepared to lead. I am very comfortable with technology. I encourage team members to find innovative solutions to problems and to constantly examine opportunities for service enhancements or alternative service delivery means. I communicate easily in both Canadian official languages, while my writing skills are superior in English.
I understand the North American regulatory community, both Canadian and the US, very well. I am open to discussions with well-led, well-organized, well-funded companies that have useful solutions for citizens and for regulators, coupled with a long-term vision for an enduring, mutually beneficial partnership with the regulator in a given jurisdiction. Using well-established professional management consulting practices and procedures, my staff and I will help company officials better understand a Canadian regulator's needs and priorities, such that those companies will be positioned to more effectively contribute to the public good here in Canada, while positively adding to shareholder value.